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Calmer in Five

The world around you may be noisy, but regardless of who you are, you have the ability to be calm even in the toughest times.  Calmer in 5 helps you understand new ways of thinking and being in order to tap into the limitless calm that exists within each of us.  Each week Thom Walters shares new ideas, thoughtful questions and actionable steps, all aimed at helping you live your days as serenly, and intentionally as possible.

Jul 28, 2016

You will discover a newfound sense of purpose and belonging once you understand that you are here for a reason.

5 MM 143 I am Nobody
Hey my friend, thanks for coming back to Five Minute Mojo.  We have work to do today.  We need to start thinking about how important you are to the world.  We have got to get you thinking that you are powerful, capable and worthy of an amazing life.  It would seem that yesterday’s show was the perfect segue for today.

Yesterday we talked about looking the part of a person of confidence and power and today we are going to go inside your head to do some work there.

Okay, right from the get go, who is more important than you?  Sure, we can make that the question of the day; well one of them anyway.

I’ll give you time to think.  After all there are billions of people on the planet.  Make sure you take stock of everybody; celebrities, athletes, political figures.  Do you need more time?  Let’s just start with the list you have now.  Who’s on it?

Okay, I feel bad.  I set you up.  I asked you a question without an answer.

Wait, wait, wait, thom, thom…I have an answer.

Well, I am not a guy who has all the answers, but for our purposes today there is only one answer, no one.

Of course there are people with more political clout, more celebrity, more wealth, but that doesn’t make them more important.  One of the ways we start to live more fully is to understand that there is no better or worse when it comes to people.  There are just people, each of which is trying to make a life the best way they know how.  From the outside we might see some people and question that motive.  However, I would encourage you to try.  See where the heroin addict is trying to live fully.  See where the billionaire is trying to live better.  See how everyone is trying their best to get through life.

What about you?  I asked the question earlier to start you thinking about where you give away your power.  is someone more famous more important than you?  of course not.  Is the scientist who develops a cure for a widespread disease more important than you? No.  He or she will have a greater impact on the world possibly, but that doesn’t make them more important.  We seem to think that the more popular you are the more important you are.  That’s thinking that will have you feeling second best to a majority of people.  

That misperception is quite possibly why people gloat about having 30,000 followers on twitter or 20k friends on Facebook.  It’s not how many people you know that determines your worth.  The simple truth is that we all matter.  Each one of us didn’t arrive on the planet by mistake.  We are part of the fabric of everything.  When you stop giving away your power by assuming wealthier, smarter or more powerful people are more important, the happier you will be.

It comes down to how you feel about who you are.  If you feel like you are adding to the world then you might not have trouble interacting with anyone.  You would understand that regardless of scope your reason to be here is just as important as anyone’s.

In the United States, our culture certainly adds fuel to the hierarchical thinking that average people are less than those in the spotlight.  But hey, let them.  You know better.  You know that you are here for a reason.  And if you don’t, then maybe it’s time you start taking some time to really look at the impact you have on the world.

With that said, impact isn’t about scope.  Annie Sullivan was one person. She didn’t seek notoriety or fame.  She simply wanted to help a blind, deaf woman interact with the world.  And she did.  She helped Helen Keller escape the darkness and silence.  She forged a friendship that would help the world rethink disability and woman’s right’s.

You have the capability to change the world.  The truth is, you already are.  All you need to do is recognize that your place in the world is necessary.

I’ll leave it at that my good friends.  I’ll leave the earlier question of the day as the real question of the day.  As you head home, I would encourage you to think about how you matter.  That question alone is the very gist of ZEN commuter and Five Minute Mojo.

There is no need for loneliness or despair my friends.  No need for worry or pain.  Believe that you are here for a reason.  If you aren’t sure what that is, then just quite yourself and ask the question out loud.  You’ll have the answer soon enough.

This is Thom Walters signing off for five-minute Mojo.  Make the rest of the day amazing, sleep tight and sweet dreams.