Sep 30, 2022
Many years ago I found out the real source of my anger. It wasn't who I expected either. But with a little help from a wise source, I found out. Not only did I find the source, I found out steps to take after that realization. Come listen
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Sep 29, 2022
Buddhism offers us myriad way to become enlightened, to cut the tether that ties us to suffering. Today I talk about another Buddhist Principle that helps us sort through the difficulties with other people.
Sep 27, 2022
There are many things that have the ability to make us calmer; all things actually. But today I want to focus on a favoriteof mine. The Wind.
Thanks again for listening to the show! If it...
Sep 22, 2022
My good friend Seth Gillihan talks to us about why we worry, and the ways we can worry just a little bit less. If you enjoyed the article of Seth's that I read, then head over to Zen Commuter and listen to my interview with him.
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Sep 21, 2022
How drawn are you to following trends, whether they are people, fads or products? Is it possible that all that following is leading to your level of uneasiness? Let’s talk about it.