Apr 28, 2021
When the going gets tough and things are not as good as you would like there is always a place to visit. It's the past. Just make sure you don't stay there.
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Apr 28, 2021
We think that life you should be rosy all the time; when something not so great happens we are dumbfounded that it happened. Maybe there is another way of looking at life. Let's talk about it.
Apr 26, 2021
Once again, from the moment we are born, we are told to adopt some ways of thinking without question. One of those ways of thinking? Have a plan for your life. Well, maybe you do, or maybe there is a new way to see your life.
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Apr 24, 2021
We constantly judge the things we see, good or bad. But there is a way to see things without judgment. Let's talk about that.
Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in...
Apr 24, 2021
If we are not sure of the qualities we look for in friends, then we may just let anyone into our lives, whether serving or unserving. Today I talk about ways to see if your friends are adding to your life, or taking away.
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