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Calmer in Five

The world around you may be noisy, but regardless of who you are, you have the ability to be calm even in the toughest times.  Calmer in 5 helps you understand new ways of thinking and being in order to tap into the limitless calm that exists within each of us.  Each week Thom Walters shares new ideas, thoughtful questions and actionable steps, all aimed at helping you live your days as serenly, and intentionally as possible.

May 31, 2016

We must possess intensity at times, but not all times.  Balance it and stop taking yourself so seriously

May 30, 2016

There is a profound tranquility in a life that is lived unapologetically.  Unconcerned about the need to fit in.

May 27, 2016

Experience Life as if you seeing everything for the first time.

May 26, 2016

You are in your skin every day.  The things you do are not commonplace, yet from your biased viewpoint you are taught to downplay your accomplishments.  How does this serve you?

May 25, 2016

Animals act on instinct, domesticated or not, they act on ingrained biological impulses.  Isn't it great we are not animals?