Aug 31, 2020
This world is incredibly varied; so many different types of people. Some you like and some you don't. But all of them push this world forward. How about we take a look at how to interact with all of them.
Aug 27, 2020
So many times we go through the days unaware of who we are or why we are doing what we do. We think we do, but the reality is we are more reacting to subconscious thoughts. How do we change that? Let's talk about it.
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Aug 27, 2020
We stay on the ground a lot. We also stay rooted to our ideas and beliefs. Is it possible that changing our perspectives can make us calmer? You know it can. Let's talk about it.
Aug 27, 2020
There is no better teacher of patience and acceptance than weather. But that learning only happens if you let it. Why don't we look at ways of accepting weather to become calmer?
Aug 25, 2020
There are so many things to be seen in a day, even better to experience them. But do you? Today i talk about the calm that comes from really seeing something.
Thanks again for listening...