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Calmer in Five

The world around you may be noisy, but regardless of who you are, you have the ability to be calm even in the toughest times.  Calmer in 5 helps you understand new ways of thinking and being in order to tap into the limitless calm that exists within each of us.  Each week Thom Walters shares new ideas, thoughtful questions and actionable steps, all aimed at helping you live your days as serenly, and intentionally as possible.

Nov 30, 2017

Question of the Day:

What could be gained from losing your job?

What could be gained from living alone, what could be lost?


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Nov 29, 2017

Question of the Day:

How many things do you use in a day that you have no idea how they work?

What criteria do you use for determining if something is possible or impossible?


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Nov 28, 2017

Today I wanted to take a break from the Tao te Ching to talk about something that came up in a meditation for me.  While my meditations are personal, like anyone's, it felt like the message I received was one that would benefit a greater audience.  Tomorrow I will be back to the Wisdom of Lao-Tzu and Wayne Dyer

Nov 28, 2017

Question of the Day:

Is giving in a sign of weakness or of strength?  Think about the last time you compromised as opposed to holding out to get your way?

Can you think of an example when yielding is more beneficial than standing firm?

Photo by Mantra Media on Unsplash


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Nov 24, 2017

Question of the Day:

Do you recycle?  If so, why?  More importantly, if not, why not? 

How are you alike to a woman?  How are you alike to a child?  How are you alike to a dog? 


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