Oct 31, 2017
On a scale of 1 - 10, How great do you think you are? 10 being the highest?
Why did you give yourself that rating? How did you arrive at it?
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Oct 27, 2017
What is the difference between pride and arrogance?
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Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a...
Oct 26, 2017
When things are going wrong, do you tend to perseverate on them? ( complain to those who would listen, throw a pity party)
What steps do you take, if any, to get through tough times?
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Oct 25, 2017
When you look at a tree are you able to perceive the energy of the tree and not simply it's shape?
When was the last time you felt Love?
Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.
Oct 24, 2017
When you look at a tree are you able to perceive the energy of the tree and not simply it's shape?
When was the last time you felt Love?
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