Jul 31, 2020
In our competition fueled culture here in the U.S., there is a fervent desire to crowned “the best”. Those overt messages get into our heads and make it difficult for us to stay calm. The energy wasted trying to be the best would be better spent trying to simply be better. Let’s talk about it.
Jul 31, 2020
I know at times it seems like our minds are against us, always causing us to worry, filling our heads so full of thoughts. But it actually is only responding to your conditioning. Let’s talk about how to use that bit of information to our advantage
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Jul 29, 2020
As much as you probably don’t want to hear it, we are wired to thinking negatively. But that’s only when we aren’t consciously choosing something else. There are positive parts of every day. Let’s talk about how to extend that energy.
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Jul 28, 2020
The lure of thinking we need to accomplish so many things in a day keeps us constantly on the go. But there is even more merit to understanding when to literally stop. Let’s talk about it.
Jul 24, 2020
No one thinks you are odd when you are demonstrating your deepest despair. Why is it that people feel the world will judge their exuberance. Let's talk about it.
Thanks again for listening...