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Calmer in Five

The world around you may be noisy, but regardless of who you are, you have the ability to be calm even in the toughest times.  Calmer in 5 helps you understand new ways of thinking and being in order to tap into the limitless calm that exists within each of us.  Each week Thom Walters shares new ideas, thoughtful questions and actionable steps, all aimed at helping you live your days as serenly, and intentionally as possible.

Sep 29, 2017

Question of the Day:

When was the last time you said something or did something to make yourself seem more important than those around you? Why?

Is it possible you were feeling unempowered?

Can you think of three examples of hierarchies in your life, or in society?


Thanks again for listening to...

Sep 28, 2017

Question of the Day:

Do you believe in everlasting life?  What is your understanding of what happens to "you" after you die?

How would your day to day life change if you knew. without a doubt, that you would go on, in another form, maybe physical, maybe not, after the end of this life?

Do you ever spend time...

Sep 27, 2017

Question of the Day:

What was the last thing you purchased, aside from groceries, gas, etc.?  What was the actual reason you purchased it.  Options include: to be happier, to feel important, to make others jealous. 

What was the last job you were hired for?  Are you still excited about the work you do?  If not, how long...

Sep 26, 2017

Question of the Day:

When was the last time you judged something?  Made an assessment?

In this moment, is everything perfect wth who you are?

If no, what is missing?

What can you learn right now with this perceived shortcoming?


Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any...

Sep 25, 2017

Question of the Day:

What is one thing you believe that you can't prove.  Does lack of scientific proof or substantiation make something less valuable, less important?

What are three devices that you use that you have no idea how they work?


Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped...