Sep 28, 2018
Today I want to share a thought with you that you may not have thought of before. Not only is it a thought that promotes warmth and gratitude, it really makes you stop and think about the real essence of your life.
Sep 27, 2018
I have experienced skydiving twice in my life, and as exciting as it is, today I experienced something equally exciting. I felt the wind brush against my legs. Some may say those two things aren’t even close to the same thing. Tune in today to rethink that position.
Sep 25, 2018
Think about how much time and energy you waste trying to make something be what it's not. Not only it is it a waste of time, you only increase your frustration and stress when it doesn't bow to your wishes. There is a better way. Let's talk about it.
Sep 24, 2018
One of the greatest things about meditation is that it frees your mind up during your day. No longer are you walking around drenched in fear, worry and thought; you exist as a blank slate, taking in the world around you. Let’s talk about it.
Sep 21, 2018
What would life be like if no one owned anything? It’s an interesting question. Many people lose sleep thinking about the loss of there stuff. Heck, it’s not even just lost sleep; it’s lost life. Today I talk about how your things may be making you fearful.