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Calmer in Five

The world around you may be noisy, but regardless of who you are, you have the ability to be calm even in the toughest times.  Calmer in 5 helps you understand new ways of thinking and being in order to tap into the limitless calm that exists within each of us.  Each week Thom Walters shares new ideas, thoughtful questions and actionable steps, all aimed at helping you live your days as serenly, and intentionally as possible.

Feb 28, 2022

The best that you can glean from this episode is that no one is out to get you, and to remember that every is dealing with something tough. Today I talk about how we can recognize that we are more similar than different.


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Feb 23, 2022

I'm definitely not going to say the world is unkind, but as I have mentioned before, if you go through life without methods of calm, things can be pretty tough. So why add to that by being mean to yourself. Let's change that.


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Feb 21, 2022

Hopefully, the title of this episode made you do a double take. You saw the word "judging" in there and thought that might not be serving. Well, you are right. Let's talk about it.


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Feb 18, 2022

When you spend money, you either enhance your level of calm, or you take away from it. Let's talk about why that is.


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Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in...

Feb 18, 2022

Every one of us has fallen into a time, brief or extensive, where we get stuck thinking about ourselves and our perceived plight. Today I talk about epiphanies that break us from the spell of rumination.


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