May 27, 2024
For me, I do equate silence with calm. But I do know that not everyone is the same. The important thing is to be thoughtful in choosing whichever suits you best. In order to experience calm, we have to be intentional in our decisions, and that includes welcoming silence or not. Let's talk about it.
May 23, 2024
I'm not a huge sports guy, but when I was younger, trying to figure out if I was, I heard many a coach say.."get your head in the game" (not just to me). Basically, it was a sterner directive to "be here now". Today, why don't we take that advice. Be in this moment and watch the world become visible.
May 21, 2024
There are times when we find ourselves face to face with a person who may not know handle to manage their stress. Today I talk about how to avoid borrowing someone else's stress
Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation)
May 16, 2024
We treat others with far more compassion than we treat ourselves; but in the ned it will do some nasty things for our calm if we can't find an inner Love. Let's talk about it.
Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation)
May 16, 2024
There is one thing we can all agree on; we have all had at least one job we didn't like. Work is a huge casue of stress. So why are you still there?
Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation)
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