Dec 31, 2021
Deciding to make changes in your life based on an arbitrary day may not be in your best interest. You know yourself better than anyone on the planet so decide for yourself when to start new positive habits.
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Dec 30, 2021
Sometimes when we are having the most challenges we come to realize that the person creating the most hardship is us. Let's talk about the signs that you might be doing the same thing.
Dec 28, 2021
Becoming calmer takes effort, but as we all know, it is a very worthwhile endeavor. Today I talk about the process of creating a "calm inventory", a list of things that bring you peace. And that same list has you looking at the things that take away your peace, and the steps to take to get rid of them.
Dec 23, 2021
This is a peaceful time of year, but before long it is possible that you will begin to have challenges with other people. Today I talk about why that might be.
Thanks again...
Dec 22, 2021
There are so many lessons to be learned out in nature. Today I talk about some of them, and relay a story about the lessons I learned from…well, you read the title. Lol.