Jun 28, 2023
Life can be stressful; no questions there. But do you know when you are stressed? Many times we are so immersed in stress that we assume it is our normal, our unstressed state. You may be able to fool your mind into thinking you aren’t stressed, but your body isn’t buying it. Let’s talk about ways to determine if...
Jun 26, 2023
Sometimes we lose sight of the things that really matter. Sometimes we get swept away in the denser aspects of humanness, unwilling to reconnect to our divinity, to our light. It happens to everyone. But then what do you do? Do you stay there, or do you decide to once again step into the light; owning and relishing your...
Jun 21, 2023
Sometimes buying things is a way of avoiding difficult feelings. Sometimes it causes greater unrest because it can put us in debt. These four questions should help you tame the unrest before you purchase anything.
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Jun 20, 2023
When life gets a little tough there are things we can do to smooth out the roughness. The challenge in doing that is finding things that will help us in the short term instead of finding things to do that we keep on doing long term. Comfort is a perfect example. There are little things we can do that will make those...
Jun 15, 2023
Our eyes allow us to see the smiles of the people we love. They allow us to see a sunset, or the rain as it falls. But as wonderful as our eyes are, sometimes they don’t allow us to see everything; and that’s okay. Many times what we think we see is a fabrication of our own biases. In these instances, we become...