Mar 31, 2022
We have all heard the words guilty pleasure. But should we feel guilty about indulging in things that may be deemed valueless? Let's talk about it.
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Mar 30, 2022
It's funny how we try and place judgments on things as judgment free as life. Let's talk about it.
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Mar 29, 2022
Companies want you to buy their products so badly that they will do anything to get you to pull out your wallet, including making you feel inferior. Let's talk about how advertising can upset your peace of mindSponsors:
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Mar 25, 2022
How many times do we find ourselves waiting? Either in a line or for someone? There are things you can do while you do. Let's talk about three serving ones now.
Mar 25, 2022
We are told many times to pick up the pace, to get things done. But maybe there is another way to go about things. Let's talk about it.
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