Nov 30, 2021
Possibly in the workplace we need to be aware of what time it is, but what about in your personal life? When you focus solely on time, how long things are taking you can become agitated. Maybe it’s time to go a day without a clock. Let’s talk about it.
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Nov 29, 2021
When we hear something loud that is unpleasant we deem it noise. Anything that is deemed noise is regarded as upsetting. Think of a jackhammer. Is that a pleasant sound? depends who you ask. But regardless of sound, we can learn how to extract emotion and return a level of calm
Nov 24, 2021
Until we know how to cultivate relationships with calm, centered people we are at the mercy of agitated energy. There are people who who do not understand how to live calmly. In fact, there are people who relish drama and negativity. These people can upset our level of calm. Let’s talk about how to avoid that.
Nov 22, 2021
We can all think of time when someone said something or did something that upset us. But is that the reality. Much like emotions, how you respond to the actions of others is of your choosing. Today I talk about how the actions of others upset our level of calm, and how we can look at that differently to remain at...
Nov 19, 2021
Each of us is calm. It is the nature of who we are. However, we become uneasy due to other factors that are within our control. Today I talk about two of those; thoughts and emotions.