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Calmer in Five

The world around you may be noisy, but regardless of who you are, you have the ability to be calm even in the toughest times.  Calmer in 5 helps you understand new ways of thinking and being in order to tap into the limitless calm that exists within each of us.  Each week Thom Walters shares new ideas, thoughtful questions and actionable steps, all aimed at helping you live your days as serenly, and intentionally as possible.

Mar 26, 2018

Hey my friend, thank you for coming back to Five Minute Mojo.  I am going to do my best to help you get home in a relaxed way, and the cool thing is, working together, you are going to understand yourself better when you get there.  That is the 5 Minute Mojo way, relaxed and wiser, more introspective.

Today I am going to talk about the last time you got fired from a job.  Don’t you worry; it’s not as ominous as you may think.

I’ll start with a concept that will blow your mind.  Some of you may even think I have lost it altogether.  But hear me out and you might just possibly have a new way of looking at things.